2011-2017年电子轮盘 发表文章一览表
序号 |
文章名称 |
作者 |
期刊 |
级别 |
年份 |
备注 |
1 |
煤矸石对铜尾矿中重金属(Zn,Pb,Cd,Cr和Cu)形态及生物有效性的影响 |
王兴明 |
煤炭学报 |
EI |
2017 |
教师 |
2 |
基于海绵城市理念的屋面雨水源头调控技术探讨 |
戎贵文 |
水利学报 |
EI |
2017 |
教师 |
3 |
Temporal trends and spatial patterns of energy use efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in crop production of Anhui Province, China |
武慧君 |
Energy |
2017 |
教师 |
4 |
Mathemathical model of one-dimensonal penetration stability failure for gaseous coal |
谢焰 |
2017 |
教师 |
5 |
Preparation of Ag@AgCl-doped TiO2/sepiolite and its photocatalytic mechannism under visible light |
刘少敏 |
Journal of environmental sciences |
2017 |
教师 |
6 |
Preparation and characterization of Ag@AgCl-doped fly ash cenospheres for photocatalytic applications |
刘少敏 |
Research on Chemical Intermediates |
2017 |
教师 |
7 |
Leaching of Cu, Cd, Pb, and phosphorus and their availability in the phosphate-amended contaminated soils under simulated acid rain |
崔红标 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
2017 |
教师 |
8 |
Effects of goethite on the fractions of Cu, Cd, Pb, P and soil enzyme activity with hydroxyapatite in a heavy metal-contaminated soil |
崔红标 |
RSC Advances |
2017 |
教师 |
9 |
Effects of hydroxyapatite on leaching of cadmium and phosphorus and their availability under simulated acid rain |
崔红标 |
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering |
EI |
2017 |
教师 |
10 |
排沙漏斗悬移质泥沙运动数值模拟 |
肖柏青 |
水利学报 |
EI |
2017 |
教师 |
11 |
水压影响下煤层底板采动破坏深度弹性力学解 |
鲁海峰 |
采矿与安全工程学报 |
EI |
2017 |
教师 |
12 |
Three-dimensional stochastic simulations of soil clay and its response to sampling density |
张世文 |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
2017 |
教师 |
13 |
废弃地复垦土壤重金属空间格局及其与复垦措施的关系 |
张世文 |
农业机械学报 |
EI |
2017 |
教师 |
14 |
A new Early Cretaceous Ginkgo ovulate organ with associated leaves from |
徐小慧 |
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology |
2017 |
教师 |
15 |
Rates and equilibria of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) sorption on soils from different regions of China |
苗育 |
2017 |
研究生 |
16 |
Surface modification of graphene oxide by goethite with enhanced tylosin photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation |
单晓玲 |
2017 |
研究生 |
17 |
Contents and pollution Charactristics of Heavy Metals in Soil from coal mining area:a Case Study in Linhuan mining district, northern Anhui Province |
熊霜 |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
2017 |
研究生 |
18 |
Research Progress on Remediation of Heavy Metal Polluted Soils with |
张路 |
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 129 |
2017 |
博士 |
19 |
Accumulation Charactristics and Health Risk of Heavy Metals in Soil and Plant:a Case Study from Huaibei coalfield, China |
黄大伟 |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
2017 |
研究生 |
20 |
Distribution, Enrichment and Modes of Occurrence of Arsenic in Chinese Coals |
郭江峰 |
Minerals |
2017 |
研究生 |
21 |
Performance analysis of dual-frequency single epoch calculation method based on GPS/BDS combination |
方新建 |
Boletin Tecnico/Technical Bulletin |
EI |
2017 |
研究生 |
22 |
Research Gas Concentration Distribution of Huainan Based On Fractal Filtering |
谭浩 |
Boletín Técnico (Technical Bulletin) |
EI |
2017 |
研究生 |
23 |
Study on the changes of nitrogen and phosphorus release with time from esdiment in Taihu Lake after ecological dredging |
兰天贺 |
IOP Conference series Earth and Environmental Science |
EI |
2017 |
研究生 |
24 |
Hydrogen Production from Steam Reforming of Acetic Acid over Ni-Fe/Palygorskite Modified with Cerium |
王一双 |
Bioresources |
2017 |
研究生 |
25 |
黑炭腐殖酸复合物对泰乐菌素的吸附特性 |
董浩 |
中国环境科学 |
EI |
2016 |
学生 |
26 |
Leachability, availability and bioaccessibility of Cu and Cd in a contaminated soil treated with apatite, lime and charcoal: a five-year field experiment |
崔红标 |
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
2016 |
教师 |
27 |
Brittleness index calculation and evaluation for CBM reservoirs based on AVO simultaneous inversion |
吴海波 |
Journal of Applied Geophysics |
2016 |
教师 |
28 |
Life cycle assessment of phosphorus use efficiency in crop production system of three crops in Chaohu Watershed |
武慧君 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2016 |
教师 |
29 |
Creep properties and a creep equation of delay outburst coal and its |
鲁海峰 |
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
30 |
In situ phytoextraction of copper and cadmium and its biological impacts in acidic soil |
崔红标 |
chemosphere |
2016 |
教师 |
31 |
An efficient method for tylosin removal from an aqueous solution by goethite modified straw mass |
尹永远 |
RSC Advances |
2016 |
学生 |
32 |
草原区露天煤矿植被覆盖度时空演变与驱动因素分析 |
张世文 |
农业工程学报 |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
33 |
基于各向异性的区域土壤有机碳三维模拟与空间特征分析 |
张世文 |
农业工程学报 |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
34 |
Distribution, source apportionment and ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the surface sediments of coal mining subsidence waters |
欧阳卓智 |
RSC Advances |
2016 |
学生 |
35 |
淮南地区石炭-二叠系泥页岩有机地球化学特征 |
刘会虎 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
36 |
Water-rock interaction and methanogenesis in formation water in the southeast Huaibei coalfield, China |
李清光 |
2016 |
教师 |
37 |
Sorption of tylosin on black carbon from different sources |
郭学涛 |
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
38 |
Stability and heavy metal distribution of soil aggregates affected by application of apatite, lime |
崔红标 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
2016 |
教师 |
39 |
In-situ stress measurements by hydraulic fracturing |
徐宏杰 |
Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
40 |
A Study On Rock Information Enhancement Of Remote Sensing Image By Multi-Fractal Filter Method |
刘星 |
International Journal of Control and Automation |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
41 |
覆土厚度对煤矸石充填重构土壤活性有机碳分布的影响 |
陈孝杨 |
煤炭学报 |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
42 |
云南省临沧市勐托新近系褐煤的微量元素地球化学特征 |
陈健 |
地学前缘 |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
43 |
重庆龙潭组煤中稀土元素地球化学及地质成因分析 |
姚多喜 |
地学前缘 |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
44 |
Application of goethite modified biochar for tylosin removal from aqueous solution |
郭学涛 |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects |
2016 |
教师 |
45 |
Synthesis of Fe2O3-TiO2/fly-ash-cenosphere composite and its mechanism of photocatalytic oxidation under visible |
朱敬林 |
Research on chemical intermediates |
2016 |
学生 |
46 |
Characteristics of an situ stress field and its control on coal fractures and coal permeability in the Gucheng block, soutrhern Qinshui Basin, China |
刘会虎 |
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
47 |
Synthesis and characterization of cube-like Ag@AgCl-doped TiO2/fly ash cenospheres with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity |
刘少敏 |
Optical materials |
2016 |
教师 |
48 |
Facile fabrication and enhanced photocatalytic performance of Ag@AgCl-activated sepiolite heterostructure photocatalyst |
刘少敏 |
Journal of materials science |
2016 |
教师 |
49 |
Remove mechanisms of sulfamethazine by goethite: the contributions of pH and ionic strength |
郭学涛 |
Res Chem Intermed |
2016 |
教师 |
50 |
覆土厚度对矿区复垦土壤呼吸昼夜变化的影响 |
陈孝杨 |
中国矿业大学(自然科学版) |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
51 |
A review of phosphorus management through the food system: identifying the roadmap to ecological agriculture |
武慧君 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2016 |
教师 |
52 |
Fractionation characterizations and environmental implications of heavy metal in soil from coal mine in Huainan, China |
游牧 |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
2016 |
学生 |
53 |
Fabrication of flower-like Ag@AgCl/Bi2WO6 photocatalyst and its mechanism of photocatalytic degradation |
朱敬林 |
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects |
2016 |
学生 |
54 |
Phosphorus flow management of cropping system in Huainan, China, 1990–2012 |
武慧君 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2016 |
教师 |
55 |
Sorption of tylosin and sulfamethazine on solid humic acid |
郭学涛 |
Journal of Environmental Sciences |
2016 |
教师 |
56 |
改良剂对土壤铜镉有效性和微生物群落结构的影响 |
崔红标 |
中国环境科学 |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
57 |
淮南煤田下二叠统山西组煤系页岩气储层特征及物性成因 |
徐宏杰 |
天然气地球科学 |
EI |
2016 |
教师 |
58 |
Course Constructionof Hydrogeochemistry Top-qualigy Resource Sharing Curriculum |
李小龙 |
2014 Asia-Pacific Management and Engineering Conference (APME 2014) |
2016 |
教师 |
59 |
-cycle phosphorus management of the crop production–consumption system in China, 1980-2012 |
武慧君 |
Science of The Total Environment |
2016 |
教师 |
60 |
A bottom-up model for quantifying anthropogenic phosphorus cycles in watershed |
武慧君 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2016 |
教师 |
61 |
Data uncertainties in anthropogenic phosphorus flow analysis of lake watershed |
武慧君 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2016 |
教师 |
62 |
Life-cycle phosphorus use-efficiency of the farming system in Anhui Province, Central China |
武慧君 |
Resources, Conservation and Recycling |
2016 |
教师 |
63 |
蔡毅 |
中国矿业大学学报 |
2015 |
研究生 |
64 |
A eutectic mixture of choline chloride and urea as an assisting solvent in the synthesis of flower-like hierarchical BiOCl structures with enhanced photocatalytic activity |
葛建华 |
RSC Advances |
2015 |
教师 |
65 |
炼焦煤中有机硫对微波的响应规律 |
葛涛 |
煤炭学报 |
2015 |
教师 |
66 |
Sorption and photodegradation of tylosin and sulfamethazine by humic acid-coated goethite |
郭学涛 |
RSC Advances |
2015 |
教师 |
67 |
Sorption behavior of tylosin and sulfamethazine on humic acid: kinetic and thermodynamic studies |
郭学涛 |
RSC Advances |
2015 |
教师 |
68 |
Structure and photocatalytic performance of layered HNbWO6 nanosheet aggregation |
胡丽芳 |
Journal of Nanophotonics |
2015 |
研究生 |
69 |
连续脉冲冲击震动作用下煤层钻孔瓦斯抽采的试验研究 |
胡水根 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
2015 |
研究生 |
70 |
淮南潘谢矿区二叠系泥页岩构造热演化特征 |
刘会虎 |
天然气地球科学 |
2015 |
教师 |
71 |
Preparation of alpha-Fe2O3-TiO2/Fly-ash-cenospheres photocatalyst and its mechanism of photocatalytic degradation |
刘少敏 |
Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects |
2015 |
教师 |
72 |
Preparation of SnO2–TiO2/fly ash cenospheres and its application in phenol degradation |
刘少敏 |
phptochemistry and phptobiology |
2015 |
教师 |
73 |
The prediction of height of water- conducting fractured zone in overburden strata of seam using grey artificial neural networks |
鲁海峰 |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2015 |
教师 |
74 |
Fracture mechanics solution of confined water progressive intrusion height of mining fracture floor |
鲁海峰 |
International journal of mining science and technology |
2015 |
教师 |
75 |
淮北煤田现今地温场特征及大地热流分布 |
彭涛 |
地球科学 |
2015 |
研究生 |
76 |
淮南潘一采煤塌陷区土壤—底泥中多氯联苯(PCBs)分布特征 |
邱浩然 |
煤炭学报 |
2015 |
研究生 |
77 |
Development and characterization of 20 polymorphic microsatellite markers from RAPD product in Populus euphratica |
王春花 |
Conservation Genetics Resources |
2015 |
博后 |
78 |
Life-cycle phosphorus management of the crop production–consumption system in China |
武慧君 |
Science of the Total Environment |
2015 |
教师 |
79 |
淮南煤田下二叠统山西组煤系页岩气储层特征及物性成因 |
徐宏杰 |
天然气地球科学 |
2015 |
教师 |
80 |
Enrichment Characteristics of Heavy Metal Cadmium in Woody Plants System |
杨金香 |
Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineering |
2015 |
教师 |
81 |
Development of EMC-based empirical model for estimating spatial distribution of pollutant loads and its application in rural areas of Korea |
易齐涛 |
Journal of Environmental Sciences |
2015 |
教师 |
82 |
两淮矿区塌陷湖泊水体中磷含量水平分析 |
易齐涛 |
中国矿业大学学报 |
2015 |
教师 |
83 |
Environmental Implications of Heavy Metals in Soil from Huainan, China |
游牧 |
Analytical letters |
2015 |
研究生 |
84 |
Evaluation of the radiological characterization in a coal‐fired power plant, China |
游牧 |
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy |
2015 |
研究生 |
85 |
Involvement of miR156 in the Regulation of Vegetative Phase Change in Plants |
张路 |
journal of the american society for horticultural science |
2015 |
研究生 |
86 |
大倾角煤层工作面底板岩层富水异常区探查方法研究 |
张平松 |
采矿与安全工作学报 |
2015 |
教师 |
87 |
Simulation study of fiber optic monitoring technology of surrounding rock deformation under deep mining conditions |
许时昂 |
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring |
EI |
2015 |
研究生 |
88 |
Mineralogy and geochemistry of Late Permian coals from the Donglin Coal Mine in the Nantong coalfield in Chongqing, southwestern China |
陈健 |
International Journal of Coal Geology |
2015 |
教师 |
89 |
A eutectic mixture of choline chloride and urea as an assisting solvent in the synthesis of flower-like hierarchical BiOCl structures with enhanced photocatalytic activity |
葛建华 |
RSC Advances |
2015 |
教师 |
90 |
Sorption and photodegradation of tylosin and sulfamethazine by humic acid-coated goethite |
郭学涛 |
RSC Advances |
2015 |
教师 |
91 |
Sorption behavior of tylosin and sulfamethazine on humic acid: kinetic and thermodynamic studies |
郭学涛 |
RSC Advances |
2015 |
教师 |
92 |
Preparation of alpha-Fe2O3-TiO2/Fly-ash-cenospheres photocatalyst and its mechanism of photocatalytic degradation |
刘少敏 |
Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects |
2015 |
教师 |
93 |
Preparation of SnO2–TiO2/fly ash cenospheres and its application in phenol degradation |
刘少敏 |
phptochemistry and phptobiology |
2015 |
教师 |
94 |
Life-cycle phosphorus management of the crop production–consumption system in China |
武慧君 |
Science of the Total Environment |
2015 |
教师 |
95 |
Development of EMC-based empirical model for estimating spatial distribution of pollutant loads and its application in rural areas of Korea |
易齐涛 |
Journal of Environmental Sciences |
2015 |
教师 |
96 |
Mineralogy and geochemistry of Late Permian coals from the Donglin Coal Mine in the Nantong coalfield in Chongqing, southwestern China |
陈健 |
International Journal of Coal Geology |
2015 |
教师 |
97 |
炼焦煤中有机硫对微波的响应规律 |
葛涛 |
煤炭学报 |
2015 |
教师 |
98 |
淮南潘谢矿区二叠系泥页岩构造热演化特征 |
刘会虎 |
天然气地球科学 |
2015 |
教师 |
99 |
The prediction of height of water- conducting fractured zone in overburden strata of seam using grey artificial neural networks |
鲁海峰 |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2015 |
教师 |
100 |
Fracture mechanics solution of confined water progressive intrusion height of mining fracture floor |
鲁海峰 |
International journal of mining science and technology |
2015 |
教师 |
101 |
Enrichment Characteristics of Heavy Metal Cadmium in Woody Plants System |
杨金香 |
Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineering |
2015 |
教师 |
102 |
大倾角煤层工作面底板岩层富水异常区探查方法研究 |
张平松 |
采矿与安全工作学报 |
2015 |
教师 |
103 |
淮南煤田下二叠统山西组煤系页岩气储层特征及物性成因 |
徐宏杰 |
天然气地球科学 |
2015 |
教师 |
104 |
Development and characterization of 20 polymorphic microsatellite markers from RAPD product in Populus euphratica |
王春花 |
Conservation Genetics Resources |
2015 |
博士后 |
105 |
Environmental Implications of Heavy Metals in Soil from Huainan, China |
游牧 |
Analytical letters |
2015 |
博士研究生 |
106 |
Evaluation of the radiological characterization in a coal‐fired power plant, China |
游牧 |
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy |
2015 |
博士研究生 |
107 |
Involvement of miR156 in the Regulation of Vegetative Phase Change in Plants |
张路 |
journal of the american society for horticultural science |
2015 |
博士研究生 |
108 |
Structure and photocatalytic performance of layered HNbWO6 nanosheet aggregation |
胡丽芳 |
Journal of Nanophotonics |
2015 |
博士研究生 |
109 |
连续脉冲冲击震动作用下煤层钻孔瓦斯抽采的试验研究 |
胡水根 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
2015 |
博士研究生 |
110 |
淮北煤田现今地温场特征及大地热流分布 |
彭涛 |
地球科学 |
2015 |
博士研究生 |
111 |
表生作用下煤矸石风化特征研究-以淮南矿区为例 |
蔡毅 |
中国矿业大学学报 |
2015 |
硕士研究生 |
112 |
淮南潘一采煤塌陷区土壤—底泥中多氯联苯(PCBs)分布特征 |
邱浩然 |
煤炭学报 |
2015 |
硕士研究生 |
113 |
Simulation study of fiber optic monitoring technology of surrounding rock deformation under deep mining conditions |
许时昂 |
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring |
EI |
2015 |
硕士研究生 |
114 |
Mineralogical and geochemical responses of coal to igneous intrusion in the Pansan Coal Mine of the Huainan coalfield, Anhui, China |
陈健 |
International Journal of Coal Geology |
2014 |
教师 |
115 |
Block scale investigation on gas content of coalbed methane reservoirs in southern Qinshui basin with statistical model and visual map |
刘会虎 |
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering |
2014 |
教师 |
116 |
Hydrogen production via catalytic pyrolysis of biomass in a two-stage fixed bed reactor system |
刘少敏 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
2014 |
教师 |
117 |
Data uncertainties in anthropogenic phosphorus flow analysis of lake watershed |
武慧君 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2014 |
教师 |
118 |
Life-cycle phosphorus use-efficiency of the farming system in Anhui Province, Central China |
武慧君 |
Resources, Conservation and Recycling |
2014 |
教师 |
119 |
Eutrophication and nutrient limitation in the aquatic zones around Huainan coal mine subsidence areas, Anhui, China |
易齐涛 |
Water Science and Technology |
2014 |
教师 |
120 |
Spatial Prediction of Topsoil Texture in a Mountain-plain Transition Zone |
张世文 |
Intelligent Automation |
2014 |
教师 |
112 |
Study on Spatial Migration Law of Heavy Metal Copper in Soil-Ligustrum lucidum Plant Interface System |
杨金香 |
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
122 |
Integrated Digitization Evaluation of Soil Fertility in Coal Mine Reclamation Area |
李小龙 |
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
123 |
Analysis on water abundance of loose aquifer and quality evaluation of overburden strata during mining under loose aquifer |
鲁海峰 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2014 |
教师 |
124 |
Modeling and analysis of the pyrolysis of bio-oil aqueous fraction in a fixed-bed reactor |
刘少敏 |
Fuel |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
125 |
坑道掘进瞬变电磁超前探水解释方法的改进研究 |
胡雄武 |
岩土工程学报 |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
126 |
矿井瞬变电磁超前探测视电阻率扩散叠加解释方法 |
胡雄武 |
煤炭学报 |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
127 |
坑道瞬变电磁全程数据分析及1:1含水模型实验研究 |
胡雄武 |
岩土工程学报 |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
128 |
沁水盆地南部煤层气排采储层应力敏感研究 |
刘会虎 |
煤炭学报 |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
129 |
采动底板突水危险性结构体系可靠度分析 |
鲁海峰 |
中国矿业大学学报 |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
130 |
采动底板层状岩体应力分布规律及破坏深度研究 |
鲁海峰 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
131 |
黔西地应力场特征及构造成因 |
徐宏杰 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
132 |
两淮采煤沉陷积水区水体初级生产特征 |
易齐涛 |
中国环境科学 |
EI |
2014 |
教师 |
133 |
Determination of Heavy Metals in the Groundwater of the Huaibei Plain, China, to Characterize Potential Effects on Human Health |
胡云虎 |
Analytical Letters |
2014 |
博士研究生 |
134 |
Immunoregulation effect of crude extract of C. elegans |
黄月娥 |
Int J Clin Exp Med |
2014 |
博士研究生 |
135 |
IFNG+874A/T polymorphisms and IFNG CA repeat polymorphism |
黄月娥 |
Journal of Asthma |
2014 |
博士研究生 |
136 |
The relationship between dental caries and obesity among primary school children aged 5 to 14 years |
姚应水 |
Nutricion hospitalaria |
2014 |
博士研究生 |
137 |
The characteristics of rock thermal conductivity of coal measure strata and its influence on geothermal field in Huainan-Huaibei Coalfield |
彭涛 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2014 |
博士研究生 |
138 |
补给边界群孔防水试验的含水层参数计算 |
翟晓荣 |
中国矿业大学学报 |
EI |
2014 |
博士研究生 |
139 |
沁水盆地南部煤层气井排采伤害判别模式 |
程乔 |
煤炭学报 |
EI |
2014 |
硕士研究生 |
140 |
两淮采煤沉陷积水区水体水化学特征及影响因素 |
孙鹏飞 |
煤炭学报 |
EI |
2014 |
硕士研究生 |
141 |
Transfer of metals from soil to crops in an area near a coal gangue pile in the Guqiao coal mine, China |
王兴明 |
Analytical letters |
2013 |
教师 |
142 |
Vegetation development on coal waste pile in Panyi coal mine |
王兴明 |
6 th China-Korea Internatinal Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Application |
2013 |
教师 |
143 |
The kinetics model and pyrolysis behavior of the aqueous fraction of bio-oil
刘少敏 |
Bioresource Technology |
2013 |
教师 |
144 |
Catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction for hydrogen production over Ni-Mo supported on modified sepiolite catalysts |
刘少敏 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
2013 |
教师 |
145 |
Production characteristics and drainage optimization of coalbed methane wells:A case study from low-permeability anthracite hosted reservoirs in southern |
刘会虎 |
Energy for Sustainable Development |
2013 |
教师 |
146 |
The Deep Oxidative Desulfurizationof Fuels Catalyzed by Surfactant-type Octamolybdate in Acidic Ionic Liquids |
葛建华 |
Petroleum Science and Technology |
2013 |
教师 |
147 |
Cmparison of digital mapping methods of regional soil quality |
张世文 |
Transaction of the chinese society of agriculture engineering |
2013 |
教师 |
148 |
Characterization of phosphorus in the sedimentary environments of inundated agricultural soils around the Huainan Coal Mines,Anhui China. |
易齐涛 |
Science of the Total Environment |
2013 |
教师 |
149 |
Analysis on the Change of Arable Land Area and Its Driving Force in Hefei City |
张红梅 |
2nd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection-Advances in Environmenatal Technologies |
2013 |
教师 |
150 |
a method of spatial analysis of fault structure based on 3D GIS |
王兴阵 |
advanced materials research |
2013 |
教师 |
151 |
Variational Characteristics of Water Quality Produced Formation Water in Coalbed Methane Production Area |
刘会虎 |
2013 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2013) |
2013 |
教师 |
152 |
Study on Spatial and Temporal Variation of Ecological Compensation in Wuhu |
开晓莉 |
Sustainable Development of Natural Resources |
2013 |
教师 |
153 |
A Simple Analysis of Applying and Meaning of Estimate of the Urban Living Environment |
耿艳 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2013 |
教师 |
154 |
煤矿复垦区土壤重金属含量时空分布及富集特征研究 |
郑永红 |
煤炭学报 |
2013 |
教师 |
155 |
固定床反应器中生物油水溶性组分热解反应动力学 |
刘少敏 |
石油学报(石油加工) |
2013 |
教师 |
156 |
Concentrations of some elements in the sediments of a river in Anhui Province,China |
梅静梁 |
Toxicological & Environmental |
2013 |
博士研究生 |
157 |
The Information Acquisition System of Subsidence Mining-Induced Based on Mobile GIS |
张美微 |
Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing:Theories and Applications(BIC-TA)2013 |
2013 |
博士研究生 |
158 |
Evaluation of physical-chemical characteristics and tillage suitability at reclaimed field in arid year |
王曦 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2013 |
博士研究生 |
159 |
XPS analysis of carbon and oxygen in coking coal with different density intervals Source |
蔡川川 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
2013 |
博士研究生 |
160 |
井下瞬变电磁法超前探测中锚杆干扰定量评价 |
胡雄武 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
2013 |
博士研究生 |
161 |
蔡川川 |
煤炭学报 |
2013 |
博士研究生 |
162 |
Study on the prediction of gas content based on grey relational analysis and BP Neural Network |
陆佳佳 |
Advances in Intelligent Systems |
2013 |
硕士研究生 |
163 |
Adsorption Performance Study of Atrazine onto Activated Carbon Fiber |
李一凡 |
2013 International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environmental Science (ICAEES 2013) |
2013 |
硕士研究生 |
164 |
Study on Degradation of Herbicide Atrazine by Electrochemical Oxidation Using Platium Electrode |
李一凡 |
2013 International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environmental Science (ICAEES 2013) |
2013 |
硕士研究生 |
165 |
Application of XPS in Research on Coking Coal under HNO3 Pickling and Microwave Radiation
蔡川川 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2012 |
研究生 |
166 |
Optimization of Fenton Process for Removal Organic Substance in Landfill Leachate |
查甫更 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2012 |
教师 |
167 |
Operation of the Vertical Subsurface Flow and Partly Submersed Stormwater Wetland with an Intermittent Recycle |
陈要平 |
Desalination and Water Treatment |
2012 |
教师 |
168 |
Application of Water-Soluble Polymers in the Soil Quality Improvement |
黄河 |
The 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning |
2012 |
教师 |
169 |
Determination of PCBs in Sediments by ASE and GCMS |
黎丽 |
EI |
2012 |
研究生 |
170 |
Architectural study on undergraduate teaching system of hydrology and water resources major |
李小龙 |
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing |
2012 |
教师 |
171 |
Evaluation of the synergetic gas-enrichment and higher-permeability for coalbed methane recovery with a fuzzy model regions |
刘会虎 |
Energy |
2012 |
教师 |
172 |
A laboratory study of spring hydrograph in karst triple void media, southwestern China |
刘丽红 |
2012 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning |
2012 |
教师 |
173 |
涌潮作用下丁坝附近水流运动特性的数值模拟研究 |
戎贵文 |
水利学报 |
2012 |
教师 |
174 |
淮南煤矸石山周边土壤中蚯蚓对重金属的富集特征 |
王兴明 |
煤炭学报 |
2012 |
教师 |
175 |
Health risk of some trace elements in the water of the subsidence pool in Huainan |
王兴明 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2012 |
教师 |
176 |
A survey of Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr and Cu in earthworms and soil from subsidence area of Xieyi coal mine in Huainan, China |
王兴明 |
Asian Journal of Chemistry |
2012 |
教师 |
177 |
并行点发监测工作面“垮落带”岩层动态变化 |
吴荣新 |
煤炭学报 |
2012 |
教师 |
178 |
曝气池内气泡羽流附壁效应的试验研究 |
肖柏青 |
水力发电学报 |
2012 |
教师 |
179 |
Preliminary study on Remote Sensing teaching for Environmental Engineering Specialty |
杨金香 |
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing |
2012 |
教师 |
180 |
Study on emission characteristics of automobile exhaust and control measures with environmental materials |
杨金香 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2012 |
教师 |
181 |
煤层底板岩体采动渗流场-应变场耦合分析 |
姚多喜 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
2012 |
教师 |
182 |
The Dynamic Monitoring of Coal Mining Seeper Subsidence District Based on RS and GIS Technology—A Case Study of Huainan City |
张红梅 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
2012 |
教师 |
183 |
Application and Analysis on Structure Exploration of Coal Seam by Mine Ground Penetrating Radar |
张平松 |
14th international conference on ground penetrating radar |
2012 |
教师 |
184 |
岩层变形与破坏电法测试系统研究 |
张平松 |
岩土力学 |
2012 |
教师 |
185 |
Research on the characteristics of gas geology in Yongshanqiao Mining Area, Jiangxi Province |
赵志根 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
2012 |
教师 |
186 |
Features of Jianshanchong Klippe and Its Control to Gas Geology at Qingshan Coal Mine, Jiangxi Province |
赵志根 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
2012 |
教师 |
187 |
Physico-chemical properties of reclaimed soil filled with flyash: A case study of Huainan。 |
陈要平 |
2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011 - Proceedings |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
188 |
Pretreatment Experiments for Photographic Waste Water |
范廷玉 |
the 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
189 |
Feasibility Analysis of No.10 Coal Seam in The First Mining Area of Yuandian Coal Mine |
范廷玉 |
2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
190 |
Hydrogeology characteristics analysis in the unconsolidated layers bottom of SunTuan coal mine |
李小龙 |
2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
191 |
Evaluation on watery of 4th aquifer in Suntuan |
李小龙 |
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
192 |
Soil Environmental Quality Analysis and Evaluation of Coal Mine Reclamation Area |
李小龙 |
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
193 |
Study of Bedrock Weathering Zone Features in Suntuan Coal Mine |
李小龙 |
Communications inComputer and Information Science |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
194 |
Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of super-K alkali granites in Jinpin, Yunnan province in China and its geological significance. |
李小龙 |
Electric technology and civil engineering |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
195 |
Hydrochemical and statistical study of water quality in karstic water system (southwest China) |
林清茶 |
ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, 2011 |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
196 |
Hydrodynamic and hydrochemical study of water in a karst aquifer - A case study in Houzhai karstic water system, Guizhou Province, China |
刘丽红 |
SWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, 2011 |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
197 |
The effect of overlapping mining on surface water and shallow groundwater resources using numerical method. |
刘丽红 |
ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
198 |
Study on Deformation Characteristics of Coal Roof Overlapping Mining under the Coverage of Magmatic Rocks with DEM Simulation. |
刘启蒙 |
The First International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
199 |
Hydrogen production by steam reforming for glycerol as a Model Oxygenate from Bio-oil |
刘启蒙 |
Proceedings 2011 international conference on Materials for renewable energy and environment |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
200 |
A Study on Quantitative Structure ActivityRelationship Between Organic Phosphorus Pesticides and Marine Microalgae |
刘少敏 |
2011 International Symposium on Water Resources and Environmental Protection |
B |
2011 |
研究生 |
201 |
Large Eddy Simulation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Flow around Two Parallel Circular Cylinders |
马莉 |
2011 International conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
202 |
Study on water quality evolvement tendency of subsidence areas |
戎贵文 |
2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing,Environment and Transportation Engineering |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
203 |
Causes and Control Countermeasures of AGNPS Pollution in Shaanxi Section of Wei River Basin |
戎贵文 |
2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
204 |
Simulation of Flows and Pollutant Diffusions in Bend Rivers |
戎贵文 |
2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
205 |
THE distribution and formation mechanism of the fluorine in shallow groundwater of huaibei plain in anhui provines |
戎贵文 |
ISWREP2011 |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
206 |
Construction of heavy metal accumulation model in soil-woody plants system |
许光泉 |
2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
207 |
Research on Effect of Woody Plants Remediation Heavy Metal |
杨金香 |
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
208 |
Migration law of heavy metals in coal gangue |
杨金香 |
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
209 |
Mercury pollution characteristics in thesoil around landfill |
杨金香 |
Communications in Computer and Information Science |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
210 |
Absorption and accumulation characteristics of plants to soil mercury in Huainan mining area
杨金香 |
2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
211 |
井筒壁后注浆质量反射波法检测技术 |
姚多喜 |
采矿与安全工程学报 |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
212 |
采煤面覆岩破坏动态测试模拟研究 |
张平松 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
213 |
The Study of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Waterplant |
张平松 |
ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, 2011 |
B |
2011 |
教师 |
214 |
The Study on Removal Regularity for NP and BPA in Oxidation Ditch Wastewater Treatment Process |
郑永红 |
ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, 2012 |
B |
2011 |
教师 |